My resume


  •  University
    Sept 2020 · Sept 2024
    Bachelor of Computer Science
    Utrecht University
    Throughout my years at Utrecht University, I immersed myself in lots of different courses which include Data Structures, Design Patterns and modelling of software, Databases, UML and Scrum, Interactive Design, Functional Programming, 3D Modelling, Discreet Math, Languages and Compilers, Logic, Statistics and more. We worked in Figma, Blender, Visual Studio, Replit, and made use of the lnaguages Haskell, C#, Python and SQL.
  • University
    Aug 2015 · Aug 2019
    Advanced English CAE, C1
    Cambridge University
    I achieved this diploma during my years of high school, learning how to talk and use English professionally, as well as lessons in literature.

Work Experience

  • May 2021 · Oct 2022
    Web3 Developer
    I mastered writing web apps and constructing solidity contracts upon request or commission. This includes Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Based contracts for tokens and NFT projects. All projects I have been onboard for have managed to gain traction and never faced issues on the back end.
  • Feb 2020 · Jan 2022
    Full stack & game developer
    JumpButton Studio
    Experienced game developer with a strong understanding of game mechanics, level design, and asset creation. Proficient in Unity, C#, and 3D modeling software. Successfully developed and shipped multiple games on various platforms.
  • Oct 2019 · Nov 2019
    Web Developer Intern
    Worked on a lot of frontend in the Web development section and observed, mixed with designing products. Provided assistance in programming projects with PHP and learning about working behind the scenes.


  • 2023
    Deep Learning Essentials
    Gathered knowledge on the fundamentals of deep learning and creating LLM.
  • 2018
    Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
    Khan Academy
    Animating with JavaScript, and the fundamentals of combining this with html/css to develop sites.
  • 2017
    Python 3 Advanced
    Learning the basics, core and advanced language of Python, as well as some libraries and text file writing/reading.